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If a person weighs 68kg on Earth, about how heavy would he or she feel on Mars()?

A.4 kg

B.26 kg

C.68 kg

D.136 kg

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更多“If a person weighs 68kg on Ear…”相关的问题


A person weighs a fish on a spring scale attached to the ceiling of an elevator. If the elevator accelerates downward, the spring scale reads a value the actual weight of the fish.

A、less than

B、greater than

C、same as

D、cannot stand comparison with



Increased susceptibility to the development of type 1 DM is indicated by which of the following?

A.genetic markers that determine immune response

B.persistent obesity throughout the adolescent years

C.delivery of a baby that weighs less than 6 lb

D.excessive amounts of plasma glucagon

E.delivery of a baby that weighs more than 6 lb



A mass of sugar that weighs 6 kg in California will weigh about 6 kg in Canada or Germany,
an evidence______that the force of gravitation in each place is practically the same.

A.to show

B.having shown





听力原文: We know that, for the most part, the bigger a man's muscles are, the stronger he
is. Can it be claimed, then, that the larger the brain a man possesses, the smarter he is? The answer is no.

There are only two animals that have larger brains than man, the whale and the elephant. Yet, in proportion to his size, man's brain is larger. Man's usually weighs about three pounds or a little more, and this is about one-fortieth of the weight of his whole body. The whale's body, on the other hand, is a thousand times heavier than its brain, while the elephant's body is about five hundred times as heavy.

But a man who has a large brain is not necessarily more intelligent than one whose brain is smaller. We know that geniuses have existed who have had very large brains, but there have been others whose brains were rather small. Idiots have been known to have very large brains. We do not understand precisely why some people are more intelligent than others. Whether our brains are relatively large or small is less important than that we try to do our very best.

This article is mainly about

A.the weight of a whale's brain.

B.the brains of geniuses.

C.the size of a person's brain and his intelligence.

D.the intelligence of the elephant.



听力原文: We know that, for the most part, the bigger a man's muscles are, the stronger he
is. (18[C])Can it be claimed, then, that the larger the brain a man possesses, the smarter he is? The answer is no.

There are only two animals that have larger brains than man, the whale and the elephant. Yet, in proportion to his size, man's brain is larger. (19[C])Man's usually weighs about three pounds or a little more, and this is about one-fortieth of the weight of his whole body. The whale's body, on the other hand, is a thousand times heavier than its brain, while the elephant's body is about five hundred times as heavy.

But a man who has a large brain is not necessarily more intelligent than one whose brain is smaller. We know that geniuses have existed who have had very large brains, but there have been others whose brains were rather small. Idiots have been known to have very large brains.

(20[D])We do not understand precisely why some people are more intelligent than others. Whether our brains are relatively large or small is less important than that we try to do our very best.

This article is mainly about ______.

A.the weight of a whale's brain

B.the brains of geniuses

C.the size of a person's brain and his intelligence

D.the intelligence of the elephant



Sonic Device

  The other day, Dr. Robert Smith, who is blind, took a remarkable stroll through the campus of the University of California at Santa Barbara. As Dr. Smith walked along the campus, places and impediments (障碍物) in his path seemed to call out their names to him -- "library here, library here", "bench here, bench here".

  Dr. Smith was testing a prototype (样机) navigation system for the blind that anounced the surrounding objects through stereo headphones that were mounted to a computer in his back-pack, creating a virtual reality landscape(仿真影像). The information came not from some miniature radar but from the signals broadcast by the military's network of gloal positioning satellites(全球定位卫星). One day, its developers hope, miniaturized(小型化的) versions of this navigation devices, which now weighs twenty-eight pounds, will help the blind navigate unfamiliar neighborhoods.

  "With this system you do not need to know a thing in advance about where you are going", said Dr. Roberta Klatzky, a psychologist at Carnegie-Mellon University who is working with Dr. Smith to develop the navigating device. Dr. Michael Oberdor of the National Eye Institute said, "A blind person could walk clown the street and know not just he was at 80th and Broadway, but what stores are around, and that Zabar's delicatessen(熟食店) was up ahead. This navigation system tells you not just where there are obstacles, but your overall location geographically. " It lets blind users construct a mental map of new surroundings and learn their way around.

  The navigation system uses signals from a computerized map to create a "virtual acoustic display(仿真声音显示). This is a talking map in which large objects seem to announce themselves in the headphones with the precise timing and loudness that would be the case if the objects were actually making a sound. This allows the blind person to sense immediately his or her distance or direction, and use that information for guidance. While no one knows whether it is because blind people tend to develop a sharper sense of hearing, those who have tried the system say that they quickly adapt to locating an object through the sounds. "One of the crucial features of this system is that it takes advantage of sensory paychophysics (感官心理物理学) -- how the brain interprets signals from outside to make a map of your surroundings so you can navigate, " Dr. Oberdor said.

Thanks to the help of this sonic device, blind people can hear obstacles in the way speaking out their names.



C.Not mentioned



The present trophy weighs just under ______ kilograms.


Sonic DeviceThe other day, Dr. Robert Smith, who is blind, took a remarkable stroll throug

Sonic Device

The other day, Dr. Robert Smith, who is blind, took a remarkable stroll through the campus of the University of California at Santa Barbara. As Dr. Smith walked along the campus, places and impediments(障碍物)in his path seemed to call out their names to him--"library here, library here", "bench here, bench here".

Dr. Smith was testing a prototype (样机) navigation system for the blind that announced the surrounding objects through stereo headphones that were mounted to a computer in his back-pack(背包), creating a virtual reality landscape(仿真景象). The information came not' from some miniature radar but from the signals broadcast by the military's network of global positioning satellites(全球定位系统). One day, its developers hope,miniaturized(小型化的)versions of this navigation device, which now weighs twenty-eight pounds, will help the blind navigate unfamiliar neighborhoods.

"With this system you do not need to know a thing in advance about where you are going," said Dr. Roberta Klatzky, a psychologist at Carnegie-Mellon University who is working withDr. Smith to develop the navigating device. Dr. Michael Oberdor.of the National Eye Institute said, "A blind person could walk down the street and know not just that he was at 80th and Broadway, but what stores are around, and that Zabar's delicatessen(熟食店)was up ahead. This navigation system tells you not just where there are obstacles, but your overall location geographically. " It lets blind users construct a mental map of new surroundings and learn their way around.

The navigation system uses signals from a computerized map to create a "virtual acoustic display(仿真声音显示). " This is a talking map in which large objects seem to announce themselves in the headphones with the precise timing and loudness that would be the case if the objects were actually making a sound. This allows the blind person to sense immediately his or her distance or direction, and use that information for guidance. While no one knows whether it is because blind people tend to develop a sharper sense of hearing, those who have tried the system say that they quickly adapt to locating an object through the sounds. "One of the crucial features of this system is that it takes advantage

of sensory psychophysics(感官心理物理学) - how the brain interprets signals from outside to make a map of your surroundings so you can navigate," Dr, Oberdor said.

第 16 题 With the help of this sonic device, obstacles in the way will speak out their name.



C.Not mentioned

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